Monthly Archives: March 2017

Current Trends in American Agriculture

This year will conclude our current Census of Agriculture period.  The last Census was conducted in 2012.  Producers will receive their surveys at the end of this year, and aside from being required by law, your participation in this survey significantly effects how we do business in American Agriculture. The first Census of Agriculture was [...]

Current Trends in American Agriculture2017-03-06T20:55:12-06:00

Planting Date Continues to Trend Earlier in Corn

Another spring will soon be upon us in the Midwest which many of us know as planning season. The adoption of new technologies to improve quality and yields faster than ever before, with each new advance allowing us to be more efficient, productive, and environmentally responsible. Researchers across the industry continue to analyze some of [...]

Planting Date Continues to Trend Earlier in Corn2017-03-06T20:54:12-06:00

Some Thoughts on Spring Planting

Here are some thoughts to consider as we look forward to Spring 2017: Cover Crops are becoming more and more popular across our farms…some things to consider include: When using Winter Rye or other small grains as covers, remember that they need to be killed as early as possible (prior to 6-8” if possible); whether [...]

Some Thoughts on Spring Planting2017-03-06T16:01:56-06:00


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